Stages of Change
Why me?
Resistance & Anger
Career Transition
Ending: Loss of control, meaning, structure, & future
Goal: Let go.
Neutral Zone: Resistance to change; Recognition of need to explore
Goal: Manage fear and begin to explore future possibilities.
New Beginnings: Commitment to process & ready for action
Goal: Renewed sense of belonging & optimism for the future.
Managing Transition Effectively
Do nothing in a hurry!
Act positive
Welcome change
Understand yourself and what you want
Look down the road
Build your confidence
Commit to act
Managing the Stress
Focus on “you”
Engage in regular exercise & eat healthy
Establish & stick to a daily routine
Be open about your situation
Make a plan
Bring the support network in
Avoid snap judgments
Remain involved
Find & use resources
Understanding Yourself
Exploring Options
Assessing your “career” self
What do you do well?
What do you want to do?
What is your ideal job?
What ingredients will ensure a good “fit”?
Assessing Your Strengths
Evaluate Your Skills
Personal (traits or characteristics)
Functional (related to aptitudes are transferable)
Technical / Knowledge-Based (specialized job knowledge)
People – Data – Things